XJet 3D printers: groundbreaking ceramic and metal additive manufacturing technologies & solutions.
XJet 3D printer: benefits of NanoParticle Jetting:
- Ultrathin layers and simultaneous jetting.
- ‘Complexity free’ high quality parts.
- Virtually unlimited geometries, fine details, nearest net shapes and smooth surfaces.
- Unsurpassed quality: 99,9% density, isotropic uniformity, extremely low shrinkage.
- Efficient: automatic support planning, easy support removal, simple and safe operation.
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Applications of XJet ceramic 3D printer:
- Dental applications
- Mortars and pestles, grinding jars and grinding balls
- Bearing balls
- Valve and pump parts
- Chemistry lab applications
- Macheinery components
Applications of XJet ceramic 3D printer:
- Electrical insulators
- Piping components, nozzles and valves
- Machining and cutting tools
- Thermocouple sheaths
- Wear-resistant pump impellers
- Wire and threat guides
Applications of XJet metal 3D printer:
Stainless steel:
- Chemical and petrochemical processing
- Food prodessing
- Laboratory equipment
- Medical devices
- Machine applications
- Power generation
- Petroleum refining
- Water treatment
Soluble support:
XJet’s soluble support material is the AM industry’s only support material that can be rinsed away hands-free for fully automated support removal in the post-printing phase of metal and ceramic AM. Jetted simultaneously with the metal or ceramic build material, it is used to create the temporary support structures required for additive manufacturing of various parts. Our soluble support material brings significant cost, efficiency, and industrialization advantages to the AM manufacturing process.
XJet Carmel system: 3D printing of metal or ceramic parts
The XJet Carmel systems are designed and optimized specifically for ceramic or metal AM production at zero cost of geometric complexity.
- The XJet Carmel 1400M is the industry’s optimal metal AM system for applications requiring unrivaled quality, accuracy and repeatability combined with high productivity. The system enables easy and safe production of high-density metal parts for wide-ranging applications and industries.
- The XJet Carmel 1400C is the industry’s ultimate ceramic AM system for applications requiring high productivity, superior quality and geometric complexity. Already installed and operating at customer sites, the Carmel 1400C is empowering manufacturers to produce parts of geometric design never before possible.

3D printing of ceramic parts & metals parts
XJet Carmel 1400M and Carmel 1400C both offer unprecedented productivity and quality due to revolutionary powderless technology.
- Unlimited design flexibility with unrepressed accuracy fine details and surface finish.
- High productivity and repeatability enabling solutions from prototyping to full fledge manufacturing.
- Addressing wide range of applications such as health care, aerospace, automotive, telecom and more.
- No hazardous materials using sealed cartridges for safe and simple operation.
- Automated supprt planning.
- Soluble supprt material for easy and manual-free support removal.
- Best-in-class part properties.
Advantages of XJet 3D printers:
- Easy loading of cartridges: solid nanoparticles suspended in liquid are delivered within convenient sealed cartridges of build or support materials.
- State-of-the-art ink jetting: printheads with thousands of inkjet nozzles jet millions of ultrafine drops, simultaneously jetting build and support materials onto the build tray in ultrathin layers.
- Easy support removal: support structures, made from special soluble material, easily dissolve in water in a rapid hands-free process without harming the product parts.
- Simple final sintering: produced parts undergo a simple and relatively short sintering process in a common sintering oven.

XJet: SMART-system
XJet’s SMART (Support Material Automated Removal Technology) station automates the post-printing removal of soluble support materials from ceramic parts printed by XJet Carmel C line of AM systems. With its advanced algorithms and design, SMART features a selection of user-friendly automated support removal programs with differing water levels and flow rates optimized for the specific job. SMART ensures a repeatable high-yield process that significantly reduces cleaning time and costs while eliminating the need for expert operators.
Build volume (w/d/h) on removable build tray: 2 trays, 500 x 140 mm each
Layer thickness: 8 microns
Building speed: up to 1.0 mm height per hour
Dimensions (w/h/d/): 310 x 212 x 185 cm
Weight: 3 tons
Electrical power: 400 VAC, 3 phases; 3 x 30 A; 50/60 Hz
Operating temperature: 18° – 25 °C
Regulations conformity: CE; FCC; UL (in-proces)
Materials: stainless steel dispersion (3 kg cartridge)
Part quality:
Accuracy: ± 50 micron on dimensions up to 5 mm, 1% of larger dimensions up to ± 100 micron
Minimum feature size: 300 microns
Surface roughness: N8 – N9
Density: 7.83 g/cm³ (>98%)
Tensile strength: 673.4 MPa
Elogation: up to 50%
Build volume (w/d/h) on removable build tray: 2 trays, 500 x 140 mm each
Layer thickness: 10 microns
Building speed: up to 1 mm height per hour
Dimensions: 310 x 212 x 185 cm
Weight: 3 tons
Electrical power: 400 VAC, 3 phases; 3 x 30 A; 50/60 Hz
Operating temperature: 18° – 25 °C
Regulations conformity: CE; FCC; UL (in-process)
Materials: alumina (2.4 kg cartridge), zirconia (3 kg cartridge), soluble support ceramics (2.3 kg cartridge)
Part quality:
Accuracy: ± 50 microns on dimensions up to 5 mm, 1% of larger dimensions up to ± 100 microns
Minimum feature size: 200 microns
Surface roughness: N7 – N9
Density: zirconia >6.02 g/cm³ (>99,5%), alumina >3.93 g/cm³ (>99,5%)
Flexural strength: zirconia >830 MPa, alumina >400 MPa
Shrinkage (linear and isotropic): zirconia 17.8% per dimension, alumina 14,5% per dimension