Formlabs Fuse1

A new wave of independent manufacturing and prototyping starts now with the Fuse 1. Bring production-ready nylon 3D printing onto your benchtop with an affordable, compact selective laser sintering (SLS) platform.

Fuse 1+ 30W

Superior Print Speeds

Deliver high-precision parts within 24 hours thanks to a powerful, 30W laser that prints at scan speeds of up to 12.5 meters per second.

Industrial Grade Materials

Unlock exclusive, new materials and achieve higher performance on existing ones with active powder handling and an inert gas print option.

Zero Waste, High ROI

By optimizing packing density and powder recyclability, we’ve reached a major milestone: zero waste printing, enabling lower cost per part.


With reduced equipment cost, affordable material, and efficient powder recycling, the Fuse 1 is the smart choice for industrial quality SLS 3D printing.


Reliable, consistent

SLS 3D printing fuses nylon powder layer by layer. The unused powder supports the parts during printing so you can create complex, interconnecting designs with no need for support structures.

With patent pending Surface Armor technology, a semi-sintered shell that prints around the surface of the part, the Fuse 1 provides competitive mechanical properties and surface finish without the prohibitive cost or hassle of competitor systems.



The Fuse 1 is designed for minimal upkeep. A full color touchscreen interface guides you through every step of printing and maintenance.


Safe, efficient
powder recovery.

Our all-in-one powder recovery station, Fuse Sift, combines part extraction, powder recovery, storage, and mixing in a single device.

Produce fully-functional parts at a 30% powder refresh rate—with unlimited cycles. This means you can print with up to 70% recycled powder.

Fuse Sift will dispense and mix used and new powder automatically so you can reduce waste and control your powder supply.



From print setup to powder recovery, our easy-to-use hardware and software are designed to maximize your efficiency at every step of the process.


Fuse sift

Fuse Sift

All-In-One Powder Recovery for the Fuse 1

The Fuse Sift is a safe, efficient powder recovery system for the Fuse 1. This all-in-one station combines part extraction, powder recovery, storage, and mixing in a single free-standing device. Highly convenient and compact, this is the most functionality you’ll get in a single device on the SLS market.

Download the Fuse 1 and Fuse Sift Sheet


Nylon 12 Powder

A Material That Does It All

Balancing strength and detail, Nylon 12 Powder is a highly capable material for both functional prototyping and end-use production of complex assemblies and durable parts with high environmental stability. Our Nylon 12 Powder is specifically developed for use on the Fuse 1.



Nylon powder

For more information about Formlabs Fuse 1

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